Friday, December 30, 2011


Indonesia is an agrarian country. Most of the livelihoods of the farmers. The land is very fertile. Cane planting, grow plants. Those things are often echoed when I was in elementary school first, around about ten years ago.

Currently, according to, Bulog in 2011 received permission to import 1.6 million tonnes of rice to meet domestic shortage of rice supply and rice for national reserves. During the year 2011 Bulog has signed a new contract with Vietnam rice purchase of 300,000 tons. With that addition, some contracts to buy rice from Vietnam reached 1.2 million tons. Apart from Vietnam, Bulog also imported rice from India.

Indonesia's current situation is very different from Indonesia called an agricultural country. According Sepudin Zuhri in his article number 2.16 million farmers (in states that the Ministry of Agriculture reported the absorption of agricultural labor in 2011 as much as 33.51% or 39.33 million of the total national labor force declined by 5, 2% compared with 41.49 million the previous year. This was stated in a press conference Kementan Reflection performance in 2011 on 2 January. According to the ministry, the decrease was due to the difficulty of finding a job in agriculture. Or in my opinion, the public perception that we now regard not the work of promising farmers.

Monday afternoon, December 12, 2011 ago me and my friends (John and Mas Bode) visit to rice fields in the area of ​​Cork, Karanganyar. Phenomena that we find on the lives of many rice fields where farmers are put through bersawah activity in the afternoon. In the morning the farmers usually work as factory workers as additional income to support life. For example, as did the father Maryanto, 45 farmers in Cork Karanganyar. In the morning, he worked as a garment factory workers in Karanganyar and in the afternoon he went to bersawah to get dusk. This is done to support his family. Pak Maryanto has two children and one wife. Her first child was working (STM graduates) and his second son was in high school.

Jobs occupied by the father Maryanto farming since 2006. The new farm occupied by the father Maryanto recently. Previously Mr. Maryanto is just a garment worker. Farming land used by the father is an area of ​​0.25 hectares Maryanto, this land is owned by relatives of the father Maryanto own. Maryanto father and relatives to apply for the 50-50 system. However, all costs that arise such as agricultural fertilizer, water, seed and other operating costs are borne by the pack Maryanto. Sometimes in the dry season farmers need loans sump pumps to a third party but in return the crop to be divided three pumps to the borrower as well.

Growing season each year is very meaningful because it marks the start of farmers to cultivate their fields. Starting from season to season, it takes about 3 months, depending on the type of rice that ditananm well. Once the seeds before planting for about 2 weeks. During the process of growth, fertilizer 3 times. In addition, it should be done to eradicate pests such as snails, the growth of grass and rats.

Based on the interviews we did, for the harvest of a quarter of a hectare of rice field is approximately 7-10 tons. In the dry season ago, net income after profit-sharing with landowners Maryanto pack gets $ 5 million. In the rainy season can be a good sign if the rain is running fine, but can be bad when the flood came.

When compared with the pocket money I get from parents, Rp. 750 000 per month, while the farmers earn less than Rp. 1.65 million per month. Farmers' monthly income doubled but to feed a family of 4. If one assumes a person is spending money for my pocket, of course, farmers' income a month is not sufficient to support his family.However, here the pack Maryanto also worked as a factory worker and his wife also worked as a factory worker. One of the boys also have their own income.

In my opinion, for the 50-50 as it is detrimental to farmers. Possible need for government's role to make regulations that suppress the landowner with a fair sharing system. Because based on the observation yesterday, an area covering approximately 10 hectares of rice fields, almost all of them owned by rich people and worked with farmers for the 50-50 system.

In this regard, targeting fertilizer subsidies should be more on target, that is not the farmers who work the land of the rich. Fertilizer and seed shall be redeemed with money. Therefore, the appropriate subsidies will help farmers that are expected to increase domestic rice production and improving farmers' welfare.

Perhaps this little story and experience that I can take the lesson. This way I will try to utilize what I have to finance more useful and carefully. And farming might be an option because of the work before the family income is sizable enough to feed one person in solo and surrounding cities.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Review: Breakthrough? China’s and India’s Transition from Production to Innovation

A. Preliminary

Growth and change in China and India has attracted attention for two reasons: first, because it shows that the following OECD countries continues to be possible. Second, because it affects the entire world, generating new opportunities but also new threats. In the case of China, the external effect is much greater than that in India since China started its export activities earlier, trade / GDP ratio was higher and was part of a network of East Asian exports.

Conversely, the ability of innovation is concentrated in UniEropa countries, the United States, and Japan. However, this began to change. There are indications that China and India are developing a significant innovation capability. Although OECD countries are still leading in almost all areas of tenologi, the gap distance between them narrowed in recent years.

Before we investigate further, it should be emphasized that what is to be understood is whether and how China and India switch from production to innovation. Analytical framework emphasizes that no single approach is adequate to understand the link penyusulan process. Section 3 attempts to assess the progress made on the basis of the available, as a whole. Section 4 analyzes four specific industrial sectors, although based on secondary sources, provide the answers you need. Section 5 summarizes the conclusions and dissect which tend to be better technology to process and which penyusulan way. Section 6 reflects the implications for OECD countries and the developing world.

2. Framework of Analysis

The main argument in this section is that no single approach is sufficient, which is needed is to combine the analytical framework to capture the development of innovation capability by China and India.

a. Innovation systems approach

This approach has been used to analyze the achievements of China and India (Krishnan, 2007; Li, 2005) and perhaps the most influential approach in the whole world.The starting point for the study of innovation systems is that innovation is an interactive process (Lundvall, 1988). Innovation system consists of companies that produce and innovate and the public and private organizations that conduct basic and applied development. Proportion of centers of innovation systems approach is the ability to innovate depends on the density and quality of relationships between companies and the relationship between companies and related institutions.

Initially focused on the national innovation system (Freeman, 1995), then switch to a local or regional innovation systems (Iammarino, 2005). This is due to two reasons: there is tremendous variation within countries, especially major powers, and geographical and cultural proximity facilitates an interactive process which is the heart of innovation system development. On the other hand, innovation is considered as yag learning process is socially embedded and slowly understood that tdak independently by each of intuition and culture. That should be highlighted is the importance of synergy to interact and competitiveness.

Some countries succeed and others fail to implement it. Failure is partly due to two things: first, the innovation systems approach does not have mastery of the analysis of relationships with key actors outside the region. Second, an understanding of the dynamics of innovation systems approach is still lacking.

b. Pengetian external relations

Systems approach to innovation becomes weak when discussing external relations.While external relations are very important in complementing and transformation of internal relations. China's manufacturing export growth can be understood if we see inset china company into global value chains. Insight we can from these approaches can be used to understand the transition of China from production to innovation capabilities.Starting from the acquisition of production capabilities. This capability is obtained by ontegrasi producers of developing countries into the chain which is coordinated by pemimpen UniEropa-based company, the United States, and Japan, or their intermediaries Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Regarding the spread of innovation capabilities, a more ambiguous, and the second power block kontelaaasilah that accelerates innovation activities.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Currently batik has been very popular, not only in Indonesia but also in various parts of the world. Communities in Indonesia and the community in other countries have much to wear batik-print clothing. Popularity not only because of the uniqueness that is very attractive to anyone who saw but also suitable for use by anyone from small children to adults. It would be interesting if we see the manufacturing process is no less unique. 

Based on the manufacturing process, there are three types of batik, namely: batik, batik printing, and batik. All three produce batik which are equally interesting, it's just different in the manufacturing process. Batik batik is made by using a cap stamped batik to batik material. Batik printing is a process of batik is made like a printer, the fabric is laid on the table then the whole process of printing directly onto the surface of the material.Sedanglan was like painting batik batik on fabric using a canting. 

In this era, the kind of batik is very difficult to be found almost nothing else. Today, most industries making batik or batik printing because it is more efficient and requires less time than the batik. However, it can be said that batik is batik ancestors. 

Batik industry is one of a growing industry in Indonesia. Not a few batik industry in this country. All of them competing in terms of quality and price. As said earlier, the industry batik or batik printing is the most widely developed because kefisienannya than batik that require a longer time in the process. 

Friday, August 5, 2011


In my opinion, teachers are those who teach us something, whether through formal and nonformal education.

The first story about my kindergarten teacher, in fact no one can tell because the kindergarten teacher is only one to pass. It is memorable days of kindergarten is I always get the big 4, and always dinomer 4 of 20 people. My kindergarten teacher named Lita bu, bu Lita and because of this I know the numbers 0-9 and AZ. I was even able to write because of bu Lita. If there is no possible Lita bu I can not write. Until now if he meets (live in Batu Merah, Batam), he always says "ih .. Tyo was flunky yes" (meaning grown in Batam). Thank you to Mrs Lee.

The second is the teacher, the father of home tutor named Mr. Mustafa. The most memorable thing from him is his way of teaching reading in the Quran, if one is always pinched me. It is very impressive is cubitannya sick. Before and after chanting father always told to memorize a short letter until now the capital in prayer.

Next, Mrs. Nurhaliza my elementary school teacher, a very memorable and inspiring me is writing his neat on the board. This makes me want to write neatly for easy reading.And I think now I've made posts like writing bu Nurhaliza (neat in my opinion).

Next is a junior high teacher named Mrs. Yusmaini. He is a teacher of Mathematics.Smenjak taught mathematics by yusmaini bu I feel that math is easy to understand because of his nature that explains clearly and unequivocally. Thanks to my explanation, he twice scored 100 and then after that I was chosen to follow the Olympics represent matermatika Junior High School 4 Batam. Although defeated, but bu Yusmaini has grown to compete with the other souls.

My next teacher was my martial arts teacher named Mas Parlan. Parlan mas is the one who taught me to practice martial arts and led me to follow the Riau Islands provincial championship and championship level of Batam City. Alhamdulillahnya diploma won the provincial championship rankings II and III ranks for the city that I could get used to PMDK Industrial Engineering UNS so I accepted and can be enrolled to date.

My last teacher was Mrs. Komariah memorable, often called Bu Kokom. Kokom mother has a cheerful personality while teaching, but seriously. While children have always seen saturated bu kokom mengalihakan learning with a joke or a joke (crhatan, poetry, etc.) so we are not too saturated at school. When the class III SMA bu kokom into homeroom so that the relationship with the children he is getting closer. Until now when I go to Batam when our class widths are always home bu kokom and always greeted with an encouraging discourse and also eat the typical Palembang Tekwan and Pempek.

So many stories of teachers of the most memorable from my childhood up until I went to college in this UNS. In my kindergarten teacher was the most memorable among all his blessing because I can read and write.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I and Industrial Engineering: My story before being accepted

Several years ago, after graduating from high school N 1 Batam before I went to Bandung city in preparation for college entrance. In Bandung, there are already some of my high school friends had to take preparatory courses for PTN in one of the tutorials are quite famous in Indonesia, so I signed up to learn there as well. After paying in full and following two sessions and one test trials SNMPTN, I informed the parents that there is a letter from the University of March that states I passed PMDK. The next day, I ordered the day after my plane ticket and go directly to Batam. Total 10 days in Bandung can be said almost in vain.The above story is the beginning of the trip before I went to UNS industrial engineering. I was one of the students who received tuition in UNS PMDK through sport. The point is, I do not need a written exam but i have to pass tek talent, which is in accordance with the performance in sports that I have. Registration PMDK I follow through collective registration of a circular received by the school. Incidentally, I have a certificate of appreciation from the following Porprov (pecan Provincial Sports) Kepri in Pencak Silat.At the time of aptitude tests, conducted in Solo of course, made me leave Batam and could not attend the farewell / release of students who held the school. Pretty sad but I am proud of my choice to follow an aptitude test so I was accepted as UNS mahsiswa in industrial engineering. And that day I first felt the Solo traditional foods, rice liwet in Manahan. Then came the day re-registration after making a payment via Bank Permata.On the day of re-registration, there are about 1000 students accepted through the PMDK. When a speech by Mr. Rector, I met a fellow industrial engineering department received PMDK through sports as well. Sofyan and his name the original Sukoharjo.Then we were a lot of stories about each school, ie sports karate background, and the last we saw brother and industrial engineering degree majors are invited to the secretariat HMTI (Industrial Engineering Student Association).Acceptance of me as a student majoring in industrial engineering a completely new feel on the first day of college. First day of class along with the first day of Ramadan fasting.To this day, I feel fortunate to be accepted at the department of interest by many people.

Friday, July 1, 2011


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